
Thursday, July 16, 2015


My Clarity

My Clarity is still $.99
Link to soundtrack:

My Clarity

First love never forgotten, My Serenity embraces your heart with dramatic emotions while leaving you satisfied with an amazing book hangover! Michele—Insane About Books

My Serenity

Check out YOUTUBE video for #MySerenity  #soundtrack 

Check out #Soundtrack for #MySerenity 

When tragedy strikes, Seth Stewart is forced to return home after the death of his beloved father. Theunexpected detour forces him to oversee the family’s auto shop and restaurant business, and Seth must kiss the prestigious internship goodbye after his first year at Berkeley Business School. When he collides with his first crush after his arrival, Seth wonders what possibly could have happened to Josefina Anders. 

Josefina has hidden many secrets she is too ashamed to share with anyone, especially Seth. When they cross paths again, the urge to relive their past lingers in her mind even though she knows he couldn’t accept her sketchy past. Things get even more complicated when her mother returns, as well as her overly possessive ex, who decides to crash into her fragile existence all over again. 
Will Seth’s connection for Josefina be strong enough to see past her secrets, or will he realize he can’t rekindle an old flame?

“Are you nervous, Mr. Stewart?” She smirked. Her eyes were beaming playfully.
“No, not at all.” My pitch came off higher than I had expected, and I was upset with myself. I had to fix that. “I mean—” I cleared my throat. Two can play at this game, I thought. I squared my shoulders and sat up tall. “So, Josefina Anders, let me ask you some questions before I decide if I want to hire you.”
Her brows lifted, most likely wondering if I was being serious or joking. Dropping her crossed leg, she pulled the chair closer to the table. Josie pulled a piece of paper out of an envelope that I hadn’t seen a second ago, tucked away behind her back. She placed a resume on my desk. “Ask away.”
“How long have you been a waitress?”
“As long as I can remember. I got hired right after high school.” She pointed to her resume. “You can see that I’ve only worked at a few places, but I’m loyal and a good employee.”
“You’ve been a waitress for a long time, Ms. Anders. Do you think you’ll ever get sick of it?”
“Not if it means I get to see Mr. Stewart.” Her lips curled wickedly.
“Do you wear thongs or granny panties?”
Josie’s lips puckered, stopping herself from busting up. “Mostly thongs, but I’m not wearing anything under my skirt at the moment.”
Holy shit! I was trying to make her blush, but this was backfiring. Ignoring her last words, though it was extremely difficult to do, since all I could do was envision her with her skirt off, I continued, “Do you like to be on top or bottom?”
“I will be in whatever position pleases Mr. Stewart. I’m very flexible.”

This captivating story will forever leave its mark on your soul and your heart. A truly beautiful story that I cannot wait for everyone to read. This love story shows every princess needs a hero. And every hero needs a princess. It showed the good, the bad, and the ugly. And in the end love prevailed. Sammie--Sammie's Book Club, for book lovers

I need you to get the following supplies before even opening this read. Tissues (you're going to need them), favorite ice-cream, the DO NOT DISTURB SIGN FOR THE DOOR, your favorite blanket and comfy chair, leave a message on your cell phone saying "I am being entranced in a special moment at this time and cannot take your call" and last but not least your charger for your reading device (you so will not want to put this read down) DawnMarie--The Book Enthusiast

Just when I thought I couldn't possibly be even more amazed by the beautifully mesmerizing talent that is M. Clarke, she pulls the very breath from my lungs with a story that will twist the very core of your being while showing you what a real person and a true friend looks like. Amber--The Wonderings of One Person

My Serenity is by far the most emotional book by M. Clarke. It will leave a permanent mark on your heart. Diana--Books Beyond Fifty Shades

My Serenity is a story of love, passion, family, and friends. It will have you laughing, crying, and happy at the same time. It was so sweet! Another amazing story from M. Clarke. Brittany--Spare Time Book

First love never forgotten, My Serenity embraces your heart with dramatic emotions while leaving you satisfied with an amazing book hangover! Michele--Insane About Books

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. High, girl!
    While I realize my penname is quite morbid, yet,
    you shall find in our blogs a lotta (subliminal) moxie
    which has taken this mortal sinner yeeeeers to compile:
    I lay it ALL out for you, dear - neet-o, packaged, concise
    (gotta gobba poetry, too).

    Nevertheless, wouldn’t ya love an endless eternity
    of aplomBombs falling on thy indelible cranium?
    An XtraXcitinXpose with no
    with an IQ much higher than K2,
    and an extraordinarily, anti-establishment victory??
    Here’s what the exquisite, prolific GODy sed
    (with a most excellent detector of bull§ht):

    “Faith, hope, and love,
    the greatest of these is love -
    jump into faith...
    and you'll see with love”
    Doesn’t matter if you don’t believe (what I write);
    God believes in you.

    Meet me Upstairs, girl, where the Son never goes down
    from a passionate, lucrative iconoclasm where you’ll find
    of deluxe-HTTP [<- pi] opportunities for excitement BTW.

    Do it. Do the deed, dude. Sign into the Big House.

  2. High, girl!
    While I realize my penname is quite morbid, yet,
    you shall find in our blogs a lotta (subliminal) moxie
    which has taken this mortal sinner yeeeeers to compile:
    I lay it ALL out for you, dear - neet-o, packaged, concise
    (gotta gobba poetry, too).

    Nevertheless, wouldn’t ya love an endless eternity
    of aplomBombs falling on thy indelible cranium?
    An XtraXcitinXpose with no
    with an IQ much higher than K2,
    and an extraordinarily, anti-establishment victory??
    Here’s what the exquisite, prolific GODy sed
    (with a most excellent detector of bull§ht):

    “Faith, hope, and love,
    the greatest of these is love -
    jump into faith...
    and you'll see with love”
    Doesn’t matter if you don’t believe (what I write);
    God believes in you.

    Meet me Upstairs, girl, where the Son never goes down
    from a passionate, lucrative iconoclasm where you’ll find
    of deluxe-HTTP [<- pi] opportunities for excitement BTW.

    Do it. Do the deed, dude. Sign into the Big House.
